10 Ways the Next 10
Years Are Going To Be
2011 is an exciting time to be
alive and living your life. Day
after day there are discoveries
that justify the science fiction
movies and the trend does not
seem to be slowing down. Not a day passes when
fictional technologies aren ’t translated into facts of the
real world. Today we take a
look at 10 such discoveries or
inventions that will make the
coming 10 years mind
No 10.

[c=green]Take for example bionic hand
controlled by brain signals
that allows people without
fingers to have fully
functional hands that can pick
up and handle delicate objects. This surgery-free hand is
controlled completely by
brain signals. Even today,
Touch Bionics, the company
that produces the Pro Digits
hand, is able to install the hand complete with “living skin, a plastic covering resembling
human skin, for under $50,000.

No9. Architecture

Dubai has lately been the hub
of all that is spectacular and
exciting and this includes
Architecture. It is already a
champion in the tallest
building competition and there still are plans for some
of the most exotic buildings
of time. The proposed
Revolving tower is one such
example which will be made
of 59 independently rotating modules/floors so that
inhabitants will have a
constantly shifting view of
the outside world. Each floor
will rotate at approximately 6
meters per minute so that the inhabitants will not notice the
movement. The independent
rotations will also give the
building an ever-changing
exterior that can warp into
very complex designs.

No 8. Computers

Ray Kurzweil, a U.S. computer
expert predicted in 2008 that
computers will have the same
intellectual capacity as humans
by 2020. With nano technology
on the horizon, this is a real possibility. The fact that the
transistor count will keep on
increasing (using
nanotechnology) despite the
eventual failure of Moore ’s law is testament to the belief
that computers will be more
capable than the human brain
sooner than you know it.
One other area of research is
the use of computers directly through your brain using
implants. Intel is on it so
expect good results soon.

No 7. Cars and Fuel

With ‘Green being the word of the century, it will only be
green fuels that will make big
in the future. And of all the
contenders, electricity is the
most promising. Hybrid
vehicles are already on the roads in significant numbers
and this trend is definitely
going to catch on.
With Toyota, Ford, Mercury
and Honda among numerous
others going full-on in the hybrid car arena, nothing but
good is expected. Even today
you can buy a fantastic hybrid
vehicle for as low as $20,000.

No 6. Interfaces

See those movies and Ads
s howing holographic pop-ups
everywhere? That is not very
far away actually. Google
Goggles for example does
visual search; you take a picture of some object in your
mobile and it will search for
any information regarding it
on the web. The object can be
some landmark, some book or
a barcode even.

No 5. Energy

Although solar cells are on top
of the list in future energy
sources, there are some
amazing and bizarre sources
for energy that still are in
their infancy. For example in the future, sugar might be the
fuel running our cars and
bacteria lighting our houses.
But, it is solar energy that has
the lead for now and is
expected to fuel the world in the near future. Infact, solar
energy is not very far behind
from meeting the world ’s need for energy and
technologies emerging
everyday pave a path that
can only lead to success in the
future. A company called
Sandia has produced solar cells which are made of 100 times
less material than the current
top solar cells while operating
at the same efficiency.
No 4. Health and

What¡¯s in store in the field of medical for us is nothing short
of miraculous; artificial organs.
A company called Organovo
has developed the first
commercial 3-D bio printer
that builds custom organs cell- by-cell. The printer uses
different cells based on the
recipient¡¯s own body, thus significantly lowering the
chance of organ rejection.
Organovo claim that the
technology will advance far
enough to print out arteries
and veins for bypass surgery within five years, with
complex organs like a heart or
a liver possible within ten.
No 3. Success and

YouTube is a prime example
of how lives can be changed in
no time; viral videos get
millions of views and the
owner gets thousands of
dollars. As a whole, it is the internet which has made this
possible; today people don ¡¯t need to take out a loan to get
their business started, you
just need to have a worthy
idea and the internet will let
people find you. In the
coming years, it won ¡¯t be surprise if suddenly Facebook
is over taken by some other
previously unknown
No 2. Robots

The robot industry is fast
catching up with Hollywood
movies and every now and
then a robot is made which ca
precisely replicate some
human action such as expression, flexibility and
even emotion. Expect some
good innovation in this

No 1. Clothing
Nano-fibres will make
garments tremendously more
comfortable and durable. ¡°By this process the textile
products can be made more
attractive, strong and
responsive to customers ¡¯ choice. And then there are clothes that can extract
energy from your physical

Years Are Going To Be
2011 is an exciting time to be
alive and living your life. Day
after day there are discoveries
that justify the science fiction
movies and the trend does not
seem to be slowing down. Not a day passes when
fictional technologies aren ’t translated into facts of the
real world. Today we take a
look at 10 such discoveries or
inventions that will make the
coming 10 years mind
No 10.
[c=green]Take for example bionic hand
controlled by brain signals
that allows people without
fingers to have fully
functional hands that can pick
up and handle delicate objects. This surgery-free hand is
controlled completely by
brain signals. Even today,
Touch Bionics, the company
that produces the Pro Digits
hand, is able to install the hand complete with “living skin, a plastic covering resembling
human skin, for under $50,000.
No9. Architecture
Dubai has lately been the hub
of all that is spectacular and
exciting and this includes
Architecture. It is already a
champion in the tallest
building competition and there still are plans for some
of the most exotic buildings
of time. The proposed
Revolving tower is one such
example which will be made
of 59 independently rotating modules/floors so that
inhabitants will have a
constantly shifting view of
the outside world. Each floor
will rotate at approximately 6
meters per minute so that the inhabitants will not notice the
movement. The independent
rotations will also give the
building an ever-changing
exterior that can warp into
very complex designs.
No 8. Computers
Ray Kurzweil, a U.S. computer
expert predicted in 2008 that
computers will have the same
intellectual capacity as humans
by 2020. With nano technology
on the horizon, this is a real possibility. The fact that the
transistor count will keep on
increasing (using
nanotechnology) despite the
eventual failure of Moore ’s law is testament to the belief
that computers will be more
capable than the human brain
sooner than you know it.
One other area of research is
the use of computers directly through your brain using
implants. Intel is on it so
expect good results soon.
No 7. Cars and Fuel
With ‘Green being the word of the century, it will only be
green fuels that will make big
in the future. And of all the
contenders, electricity is the
most promising. Hybrid
vehicles are already on the roads in significant numbers
and this trend is definitely
going to catch on.
With Toyota, Ford, Mercury
and Honda among numerous
others going full-on in the hybrid car arena, nothing but
good is expected. Even today
you can buy a fantastic hybrid
vehicle for as low as $20,000.
No 6. Interfaces
See those movies and Ads
s howing holographic pop-ups
everywhere? That is not very
far away actually. Google
Goggles for example does
visual search; you take a picture of some object in your
mobile and it will search for
any information regarding it
on the web. The object can be
some landmark, some book or
a barcode even.
No 5. Energy
Although solar cells are on top
of the list in future energy
sources, there are some
amazing and bizarre sources
for energy that still are in
their infancy. For example in the future, sugar might be the
fuel running our cars and
bacteria lighting our houses.
But, it is solar energy that has
the lead for now and is
expected to fuel the world in the near future. Infact, solar
energy is not very far behind
from meeting the world ’s need for energy and
technologies emerging
everyday pave a path that
can only lead to success in the
future. A company called
Sandia has produced solar cells which are made of 100 times
less material than the current
top solar cells while operating
at the same efficiency.
No 4. Health and
What¡¯s in store in the field of medical for us is nothing short
of miraculous; artificial organs.
A company called Organovo
has developed the first
commercial 3-D bio printer
that builds custom organs cell- by-cell. The printer uses
different cells based on the
recipient¡¯s own body, thus significantly lowering the
chance of organ rejection.
Organovo claim that the
technology will advance far
enough to print out arteries
and veins for bypass surgery within five years, with
complex organs like a heart or
a liver possible within ten.
No 3. Success and
YouTube is a prime example
of how lives can be changed in
no time; viral videos get
millions of views and the
owner gets thousands of
dollars. As a whole, it is the internet which has made this
possible; today people don ¡¯t need to take out a loan to get
their business started, you
just need to have a worthy
idea and the internet will let
people find you. In the
coming years, it won ¡¯t be surprise if suddenly Facebook
is over taken by some other
previously unknown
No 2. Robots
The robot industry is fast
catching up with Hollywood
movies and every now and
then a robot is made which ca
precisely replicate some
human action such as expression, flexibility and
even emotion. Expect some
good innovation in this
No 1. Clothing
Nano-fibres will make
garments tremendously more
comfortable and durable. ¡°By this process the textile
products can be made more
attractive, strong and
responsive to customers ¡¯ choice. And then there are clothes that can extract
energy from your physical
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